9:20am Registration and Coffee Foyer (Blg. 17, 6th Floor)
10:30am Opening Ceremony Honda Memorial Hall
10:50am Plenary Session 1 Honda Memorial Hall
Chair: Edward Jones, Oklahoma State University
Milton's Global Reach
-Thomas Corns, Bangor University
Reading Milton in Japan
-Akira Arai, Seigakuin University
12:20pm Lunch Break
1:50pm Parallel Panels 1
1a. Milton and 17th-Century Engagements Rm 17606
Chair: Noam Flinker, University of Haifa
Edward King and England's Wolfish Institutions: Concealed Satire in Lycidas
-Michael Gadaleto, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Property in Paradise?: The Problem of Labour in Milton and Locke
-Taihei Hanada, Takushoku University
Milton and Music
-Seth Herbst, Harvard University
1b. Milton in the 18th Century Rm 17607
Chair: John Leonard, University of Western Ontario
'All that follows to p.50 very indifferent': Richard Hurd Reads Milton, 1751-1800
-Hugh Adlington, University of Birmingham
Critical Mass: The Influence of Addison on Bentley
-David A. Harper, University of Texas
Repetition, Repentance, and Passionate Sublimity in Paradise Lost
-Noel Sugimura, Georgetown University
1c. Managing Milton's Texts Room 17608
Chair: Edward Jones, Oklahoma State University
Two Nineteenth-Century Forgeries of a Paradise Lost Title-Page
-Jonathan Olson, University of Liverpool
"And Lichas from the top of Oeta threw": The Effect of Parallel Prose Editions on the Syntax of Paradise Lost
-Peter Roccia, Grant MacEwan University
Lexical Choice in John Milton's Artis Logicae Plenior Institutio (1672)
-Jameela Lares, The University of Southern Mississippi
3:20pm Tea Break Foyer (Blg. 17, 6th Floor)
3:50pm Parallel Panels 2
2a. Comus Rm 17606
Chair: Reginald Wilburn, University of New Hampshire
Comus and the Trial of Liturgy
-David Gay, University of Alberta
Masking Tensions: Homeric Comus Revised as Biblical Lady
-Noam Flinker, University of Haifa
The Baroque Body and Milton's Lady
-Talya Meyers, Stanford University (read by Seth Herbst)
2b. Milton’s International Reception Rm 17607
Chair: Noam Reisner, Tel Aviv University
Milton and the Spanish Catholic Church
-Angelica Duran, Purdue University
"He also saw rich Mexico": Translating Milton's Political Prose in(to) the Seat of Montezuma
-Mario Murgia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Restoring the Poetics of Transcendence: A Study of Tadao Yanaihara's Lectures on Paradise Lost
-Kensei Nishikawa, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies
2c. Milton and Methodism Rm 17608
Chair: Jameela Lares, The University of Southern Mississippi
A Genealogy of John Wesley's Miltonism
-Wayne Pounds, Aoyama Gakuin University
Wesleyan Education in Japan
-Paul Tsuchido Shew, Aoyama Gakuin University
Paradise Redacted: Milton and Methodist Education
-Thomas Dabbs, Aoyama Gakuin University
5:50-7:00pm Wine Reception Ivy Hall