The following list includes general speakers and titles for the IMS10. (If you did not access this page directly, click "Read more" to view the complete list).
'All that follows to p.50 very indifferent': Richard Hurd Reads Milton, 1751-1800
-Hugh Adlington, University of Birmingham
Is Capitalism a Satanic System?: Satan's Confession in Paradise Lost and the Spirit of Capitalism
-Daisuke Arie, Yokohama National University
When Muslims Read Milton: Paradise Lost and a Religious Shock
-Mahe Nau Awan, University of Surrey
Milton and Lafcadio Hearn
-Joan Blythe, University of Kentucky
Ceremony in Milton's Samson Agonistes and Spinoza's
Theological-Political Treatise
-Karen Clausen-Brown, University of Notre Dame
Paradise Regained: Biblical Harmony and Narrative Dissonance
-Michael Cop, University of Otago
Paradise Redacted: Milton and Methodist Education
-Thomas Dabbs, Aoyama Gakuin University
Milton and the Spanish Catholic Church
-Angelica Duran, Purdue University
When I Consider How Light Is Sent in Paradise Lost
-Katsuhiro Engetsu, Doshisha University
Milton's Reasonable Vision of God and the Spenserian Tradition
-Matthew Evans-Cockle, University of British Columbia
Voicings of Dominion in John Milton's Paradise Lost and Toni Morrison's A Mercy
-Bill Fitzhenry, California Polytechnic State University
Masking Tensions: Homeric Comus Revised as Biblical Lady
-Noam Flinker, University of Haifa
Milton's Bible
-Thomas Fulton, Rutgers University
Edward King and England's Wolfish Institutions: Concealed Satire in Lycidas
-Michael Gadaleto, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Comus and the Trial of Liturgy
-David Gay, University of Alberta
“Life to him would be death to me”: The Romantic Struggle against the Miltonic Legacy in John Keats’s Hyperion
-Mie Gotoh, Fukuoka University of Education
Discipline in Paradise
-Kenneth Graham, University of Waterloo
“Joy and harmles pastime”: Milton’s Rehabilitation of Otium
-Mandy Green, University of Durham
Milton and Cromwell: Another Look at the Evidence
-Tobias B. Gregory, Catholic University of America
"Me thou think'st not slow": Contemporaneous Time in Paradise Lost
-Blaine Greteman, University of Iowa
Editing De Doctrina Christiana from the Manuscript, 2012
-John Hale, University of Otago (Read by Michael Cop)
Property in Paradise?: The Problem of Labour in Milton and Locke
-Taihei Hanada, Takushoku University
Milton in China, 1837-1911
-Tianhu Hao, Peking University
Critical Mass: The Influence of Addison on Bentley
-David A. Harper, University of Texas
To Read Milton's Work Through Japanese Sensibility
-Rie Hase, Tohoku University, Tokyo
The Reception of Samson Agonistes in Coleridge
-Takehiro Hashimoto, Kanto Gakuin University
Usury and Custom in Milton's Thought
-David Hawkes, Arizona State University
Milton and Music
-Seth Herbst, Harvard University
The Law’s Violence in Paradise Lost
-Sarah Higinbotham, Georgia State University
Dread in Paradise Lost
-Ken Hiltner, University of California, Santa Barbara
Milton in Arabic: Transforming Paradise Lost for the Arab-Muslim Reader
-Islam Issa, University of Birmingham
John Milton and the Hearth Tax: New Records and New Possibilities
-Edward Jones, Oklahoma State University
Milton's Ideal Place in Arcades, Epitaphium Damonis and the Garden of Eden
-Yae Kanasaki, Kinki University
Is "a Spirit" Incorporeal or Corporeal?: The Materiality of God in Paradise Lost
-Kazunori Kawasaki, Nihon University
Is Milton a Pacifist?
-Nobuhiro Kawashima, Ryukoku University
Placing the Presbyter: Milton and Marvell
-Margaret Kean, University of Oxford
Milton's Contra-pair Sonnets: "To the Lord General Cromwell" and "To Sir Henry Vane the Younger"
-Nanami Kobayashi, Doshisha University
"The Clouded Ruins of a God" or: Why Milton's Satan
Became a Romantic Hero
-Evan LaBuzetta, Independent Scholar
Milton and McTaggart: Time Structures of the Mind in Paradise Lost
-Ayelet Langer, University of London
Lexical Choice in John Milton's Artis Logicae Plenior Institutio (1672)
-Jameela Lares, The University of Southern Mississippi
A Study of Typology in Milton's "Nativity Ode"
-Byung-Eun Lee, Hansung University, Seoul
Milton, Polygamy, and the Orient
-Walter Swee Huat Lim, National University of Singapore
Milton's Garden and the Language of Georgic
-Seth Lobis, Claremont McKenna College
Religious Schism, Separation, and Uniformity in Paradise Lost
-David Loewenstein, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"How Human Life Began": Human Reproduction in Paradise Lost
-Thomas Luxon, Dartmouth College
The Baroque Body and Milton's Lady
-Talya Meyers, Stanford University
Fame and Exile: Ovid's Tristia in Milton's Poems
-Michiko Mori, Otemae University
"He also saw rich Mexico": Translating Milton's Political Prose in(to) the Seat of Montezuma
-Mario Murgia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Is Milton's Eden Truly a "Natural" Garden? --From the Viewpoint of the Japanese Concept of Shizen
-Osamu Nakayama, Reitaku University
"Paradise within": Religion and Politics in the Works of Milton and Herbert
-Fahimeh Naseri, University of Newcastle
What Happens in Sonnets: Considering Events in Milton’s Sonnets
-Ryan Netzley, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Restoring the Poetics of Transcendence: A Study of Tadao Yanaihara's Lectures on Paradise Lost
-Kensei Nishikawa, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies
Shitsurakuen-monogatari (The Story of Paradise Lost) and Paradise Lost
-Yuko Noro, Nihon University
Two Nineteenth-Century Forgeries of a Paradise Lost Title-Page
-Jonathan Olson, University of Liverpool
Journeys in Paradise Lost: Motion and Mapping of New Spaces
-Antonella Piazza, University of Salerno
Paradise Founded: Milton and Wesleyan Education in Japan
-Wayne Pounds, Aoyama Gakuin University
"The Law I Gave to Nature": The Aporetic Proclamation of Natural Law in Paradise Lost
-Bjorn Quiring, Ludwig Maximilians University
Desire and the Poetics of the Flesh in Paradise Lost
-Noam Reisner, Tel Aviv University
Archbishop Laud as Haman, Queen Henrietta Maria as Vashti: or, Why the Reverend Henry Burton Lost His Ears in 1637
-Carter Revard, Washington University
Milton’s Use of the Classical Messenger Scene in Samson Agonistes
-Stella P. Revard, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
"And Lichas from the top of Oeta threw": The Effect of Parallel Prose Editions on the Syntax of Paradise Lost
-Peter Roccia, Grant MacEwan University
Samson Agonistes as a Japanese Noh Play
-Hiroko Sano, Aoyama Gakuin University
Melancholic Imagery in Paradise Lost
-Wataru Sasakawa, Kitami Institute of Technology
Poetic Pleasure and Temperate Reading in Areopagitica and Paradise Lost.
Sara Saylor, University of Texas
Milton's Mountain Nymph and Pastoral Liberties
-Joshua Scodel, University of Chicago
Milton, Marriage, and Myth in Anne Manning’s The Maiden and Married Life of Mary Powell
-Gregory Semenza, University of Connecticut
Leveling the Sublime: Translating Milton into English in the Eighteenth Century
-Aaron Shapiro, Boston University
Galileo and the Tuscan Artist: Two Perspectives of Milton’s Cosmos in Paradise Lost 7 and 8
-Valerie Shepard, University of California, Los Angeles
Toward a Semiotics of Smell in Paradise Lost
-Lauren Shohet, Villanova University
The Limits of Worst in Paradise Lost and King Lear
-Daniel Shore, Georgetown University
"Somebody’s Fool": Samson and the Absurd
-William Shullenberger, Sarah Lawrence College
“Unspeakable desire to see, and know": The Private and Public Spaces of Milton’s 1671 Poems
-Eric B. Song, Swarthmore College
Sublime Violence in Milton's Republican Sonnets
-John D. Staines, John Jay College, City University of New York
Repetition, Repentance, and Passionate Sublimity in Paradise Lost
-Noel Sugimura, Georgetown University
Milton and Dryden: The Heritage of the English Republic
-Go Togashi, Ferris University
Anne-Marie du Boccage’s “Le Paradis terrestre” (1748) as a Model of Cultural Transfer through Translation
-Christophe Tournu, University of Strasbourg
Points of Contact: Nature in Milton's Paradise Lost and Wordsworth's Nature
-Hiroko Tsuji, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts
Rendering Milton's Black Sisterhood Visible
-Reginald A. Wilburn, University of New Hampshire
The Modern Media, Memory, and Milton: Modern Technology's Positive Trivialisation of John Milton
-Michelle Zappa, University of Exeter